Climate Strategy - Rugby Net Zero
Climate Change Strategy
The cross-party working group on Climate Change has worked with voluntary and community sector organisations to develop this draft strategy, and we are grateful for their continuing involvement.
Our Net Zero vision
"Rugby is an environmentally sustainable place where we work together to reduce and mitigate the effects of climate change, transitioning Rugby to a low carbon and nature positive placewhich is net zero."
Our Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan
This Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan sets out the approach and actions that Rugby Borough Council will need to take to meet our net zero by 2030 target. It sets out how the council will respond to the climate emergency and will focus on seven themes in our action plan.
You can download the full strategy and action plan, or explore summaries of the seven themes below.
In delivering the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, we will review our actions annually identifying the expected costs, ownership and performance indicators for monitoring.
Explore the seven themes

Workplaces and the economy


Homes and energy


Waste, resources and the circular economy

Natural environment

Climate and nature positive communities
Our approach
Our strategy recognises that the Council has multiple roles in addressing the Climate Emergency and delivering net zero, which are:
a) Delivering change: Those factors within the council’s direct control, where the council can lead by example.
b) Enabling change: Those factors which the council can facilitate by working with others for example by using our policies and procurement practices.
c) Influencing change: Those factors outside of our control, where the council will seek to influence and support delivery through partnerships across the borough and engagement with central government.