
The impacts of climate change are already being seen, with changes in average temperature, shifts in the seasons and an increasing frequency of extreme weather events.  Current predictions suggest the need to prepare for a minimum of 2 degrees warming, but there is potential for a greater degree of change to be needed.

Adaptation refers to adjustments in ecological, social, or economic systems in response to actual or expected climate change, such as those described.

Adapting to climate change will require collaboration across the whole community, with local authorities, private and public sectors, infrastructure providers and communities all playing a part.

Our 2030 Goals:

  • The Borough will benefit from an increased understanding of the local risks posed by climate change and extreme weather events.

  • The Borough will benefit from increased resilience to climate change and, the weather changes associated with it.

  • We will lead by example by understanding the climate related risks which Council’s buildings, assets and services face and taking action to reduce that risk.