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Rugby Net Zero website launched as COP26 summit gets underway

A new website has been launched as part of Rugby’s commitment to go “net zero”. The site was created following Rugby’s Climate Summit in September and has been launched as the international COP26 climate summit gets underway. It will be used to help Rugby’s communities to share information and tips as residents, businesses, public agencies and voluntary and community organisations all do their bit to reduce their carbon impact. The site will grow as work on reducing the borough's carbon footprint progresses.

Cllr Seb Lowe, Leader of Rugby Borough Council, said: “Participants at the recent Rugby Climate Summit were very motivated and keen to have a place where they could share information and resources more effectively, and I am pleased to have delivered on our commitment to provide this site.

“As the COP26 summit takes place over the next few days we will use the Rugby Net Zero site to share more information on action that can be taken locally, and ways that residents can reduce their impact on the environment.”

Dan Green, Rugby Borough Council Deputy Executive Director, said: “Human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe as well as impacting on wildlife, biodiversity and habitats. Preventing this from getting worse will require considerable effort from public bodies, private sector organisations, the third sector and individuals working together to take action.

“Our recent Rugby Climate Survey showed that residents want to do more, but are not always sure what they can do. We hope that as we add information and resources to the Rugby Net Zero site that residents will be better informed and better equipped.”

The Rugby Net Zero website is at