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Introducing the Rugby Citizen's Climate Panel

"It is clear that Rugbeians are keen to get involved in local climate related initiatives and that to be truly successful in meeting our climate ambitions, we need all of our community to be pulling together."

Today's theme of COP26 (5 November) focusses on the importance of the voice of young people and demonstrating the critical role of public empowerment and education in climate action. 

Rugbeians enjoying Caldecott Park The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has adopted an Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) Framework to engage all members of society in taking action against climate change. The ACE Framework recognises the crucial roles which education, public awareness, public participation and access to information all provide in developing a low emission, climate resilient world. 

Through the recent Rugby Climate Summit and Rugby Climate Survey, it is clear that Rugbeians are keen to get involved in local climate related initiatives and that to be truly successful in meeting our climate ambitions, we need all of our community to be pulling together. 

Sustainable Saturday

Within the Borough, there are a growing number of groups of like minded people who regularly come together to discuss climate change and most importantly, take local action in regard to Climate Change. 

One such group is Transition Town Rugby, whose vision is to transition Rugby and the surrounding area and community towards a sustainable and ethical future, resilient to the challenges posed by climate change and the impact of human activities on the environment.  

Transition Town Rugby host a regular Sustainable Saturday event and the next one takes place on 13 November at St Andrews Church. Why not register your interest and get involved? 

Engaging our youth

It is clear that the young people of today will face the worst effects of climate change with a recent report suggesting that nearly 60 per cent of young people are either worried or extremely worried about climate change  

It is important to remember that young people are not only victims of climate change, but they also are amongst the biggest advocates for climate action. Young people are innovators and agents for change who can use their skills to accelerate climate action. The UK Youth Climate Coalition is a not for profit youth organisation who aim to mobilise and empower young people to take positive action for global climate action. 

As we consult on our Climate Change Strategy, in early 2022, we will be very keen to hear from all residents as to how the Council can better support residents to become involved and live more sustainably. A commitment arising from the climate summit was that the Council would convene a citizens panel, to strengthen our engagement with residents and give stakeholders an opportunity to shape plans at the development stage. The first citizens panel will be convened as part of the consultation process.

In particular, we would like to explore ways of better engaging the borough’s young people and supporting them to be heard and take positive action. If you have any immediate thoughts on this, then please do get in touch.