Recycle - Rugby Net Zero
Recycling is easier to make into a habit if you keep a recycling bin next to your main bin so you can take out the rubbish and recycling at the same time. And, you could make recycling part of your weekly supermarket trip and "drop when you shop" at supermarket recycling points.
Kerbside recycling
The easiest way to recycle is to use your kerbside recycling service. In Rugby we collect recyclable materials in a blue-lidded bin, while subscribers can recycle garden and food waste in a green bin.
Watch as your rubbish bins explain which bin to put which waste in to ensure as much of your waste is recycled as possible.
For a searchable directory showing what waste goes in which bin see the Rugby Borough Council website.
For a searchable directory showing what waste goes in which bin see the Rugby Borough Council website.
Local recycling banks
Some supermarkets and other organisations host local recycling banks where you can recycle certain materials. See the Recycle Now recycling locator to find out if there's one near you.
HWRC (tip)
If you can't recycle at the kerbise, at a local recycling bank or community collection point, you may be able to recycle at a "household waste recycling centre" (tip). See the Recycle Now recycling locator for more information on what can be recycled at these sites.