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Council opens consultation on draft Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 

Rugby Borough Council has published a draft Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan for the borough of Rugby and is asking for comments from residents, businesses and other interested parties.

The draft strategy has been developed alongside voluntary and community organisations and reflects their shared ambitions to deliver a net zero carbon borough.

Cllr Emma Crane, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for Communities, Homes, Digital and Communications, and the council’s Climate Change champion, said: “I would like to thank the cross-party working group on Climate Change that has been working on this draft strategy.

"Alongside input from voluntary and community organisations, their contributions have helped bring this draft strategy to the point where we are able to present our vision of Rugby being an environmentally sustainable place where we work together to reduce and mitigate the effects of climate change, transitioning Rugby to a low carbon and nature positive place.

“This strategy gives the Borough a strategic direction and provides the framework within which we can collectively take responsibility and work together to deliver our Net Zero Vision. Together, we can ensure that our Borough has a greener and more resilient future and is a place where future generations can truly thrive.

"I hope to hear from as many Rugby residents as possible on how we can tackle the climate and nature crises together.”

The draft strategy has seven themes covering:
•    Workplaces and the economy;
•    Transport;
•    Homes and energy;
•    Adaptation;
•    Waste, resources and the circular economy;
•    Natural environment;
•    and Climate and nature positive communities.

It outlines a three-pronged approach whereby the council will deliver change on factors within the council’s direct control, enable change on those factors that the council can facilitate by working with others, and influence change on factors outside of the council’s control.

Rugby Borough Council has direct control of a very small proportion, less than 1%, of carbon emissions produced in the borough. However the strategy commits the council to influence the remaining emissions reductions through local leadership and partnership working. The council will lead the transition for the Borough of Rugby to become net zero, ensuring that it has a rich biodiversity where people can easily access nature, enjoy clean air, travel by using low carbon transport and heat buildings by using renewable energy.

Find out more and take part in the survey at